"A thousand hands waved me luck...
and i climbed the heights of lust and wealth and greed...
and then I slipped...
and tumbled down into the deepest crevasse...
there were just two hugging hands...
and few drops of tears to wake me up..."
1 None of the events that make this story would’ve occurred if a loathed rascal lazily rested home instead of his regular night ‘...
U r very correct frnd......
now this is something really cool...
loved it!!
Dude...you sure u reading to become a medico??? Very philosophical ...but very beautifully true... :)
oops...so smriti, medicos hav 2 b far different from being 'philosophical'???grrrrrrrr...k.... :)
Gosh, thats the cutest pic I've seen in a long long time!! :)
ermmm. u got tagged. take it up!!
hey that exam facts really true!!! ha ha ha..great:)
I agree with smriti peal philosophy luved it very much.
well said.
doc. i cant say i liked it..cant say i loved it.
but the meaning in the words...and the last line subtly- tells a lot.
@anonymous :)
@vishnu ;) thnx dude
@diva: aaha ;)
@amoomma : taggg?? grrr
@divyasri;:)egjaamz na
@priya; cheers
rosh; :) atleast u told dat ha ;)
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